One of my new favorite scents is the perfume Miracle by Lancome. Every time I spray it though, it makes me think and say a prayer for a young friend of mine, Madison Wilson. We attend church with the Wilson family. One Sunday early this year, during church, a seemingly healthy Madison started feeling awful , so her parents decided to take the first of what would become many trips to the ER and hospital. It has been a whirlwind of events since that day for this young family. Madison has been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes and gastro paresis. She had a feeding tube placed in her abdomen that became twisted. It was replaced by another tube. After this, Madison became unable to tolerate feeds with the tube. She was put on TPN, vein feeding. The port for her vein feeding has been replaced twice. Today, Madison tolerates 50% with feeding tube and 50% TPN.
As a mother, I can’t even begin to imagine what this family is facing! In fact, sometimes, I’d rather not think about it; and there lies the problem. Most people, are untouched by such stories, because they put it out of sight, out of mind. And sadly, had this young girl not affected me personally, it would have just been another prayer request that I might have prayed for once and then denied the memory of it all. It hurts to see who I really am sometimes! Where is my compassion? While I am so thankful for God’s many blessings in my life, I often times fail to rejoice in others’ joy, grieve for others’ loss, and empathize with others’ sorrow. In short, I fail to be like Christ!
Would you join me in praying for Madison? During the first week in September, the Wilson family will be traveling to Ohio to have Madison seen by specialists. They are on a search for answers on how to help this fragile body get back to a state of good health! Pray for her parents and sister as well. I’m sure it would be amazing for them for life to have remembrances of “normal” again, but more importantly, it would be great to see their daughter/sister made whole! Pray for her other family members who are seeking God diligently on her behalf. Pray for the doctors dealing with Madison’s situation to have wisdom from above, and be able to give answers to these difficult issues. And while you’re at it, sneak in a prayer for yourself to be able to show compassion to people around you that are hurting.
If you are interested in following Madison’s story, check out:
A Medical fund has been set up for Madison's on-going care:
Madison Wilson Medical Fund
Suntrust Bank
55 Farrs Bridge Rd.
Greenville, SC 29617
As a mother, I can’t even begin to imagine what this family is facing! In fact, sometimes, I’d rather not think about it; and there lies the problem. Most people, are untouched by such stories, because they put it out of sight, out of mind. And sadly, had this young girl not affected me personally, it would have just been another prayer request that I might have prayed for once and then denied the memory of it all. It hurts to see who I really am sometimes! Where is my compassion? While I am so thankful for God’s many blessings in my life, I often times fail to rejoice in others’ joy, grieve for others’ loss, and empathize with others’ sorrow. In short, I fail to be like Christ!
Would you join me in praying for Madison? During the first week in September, the Wilson family will be traveling to Ohio to have Madison seen by specialists. They are on a search for answers on how to help this fragile body get back to a state of good health! Pray for her parents and sister as well. I’m sure it would be amazing for them for life to have remembrances of “normal” again, but more importantly, it would be great to see their daughter/sister made whole! Pray for her other family members who are seeking God diligently on her behalf. Pray for the doctors dealing with Madison’s situation to have wisdom from above, and be able to give answers to these difficult issues. And while you’re at it, sneak in a prayer for yourself to be able to show compassion to people around you that are hurting.
If you are interested in following Madison’s story, check out:
A Medical fund has been set up for Madison's on-going care:
Madison Wilson Medical Fund
Suntrust Bank
55 Farrs Bridge Rd.
Greenville, SC 29617

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