Today my son( 2 yrs) approached me as I was sitting at the table just thinking and reflecting. Earlier I had finished my morning devotions and my Bible, devotion book, and journal were all sitting on the table. At first he talked to me for a few moments about his morning episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and then he turned his attention to my books. I quickly snatched the pen from him, because he all too often leaves artwork in my books (or on my schoolwork)! However, it wasn't the pen he was after this time, he wanted my books! He picked up the entire stack and laid them on the floor, and what's the next thing any boy would do?.................he stepped on top, jumped off, and shouted, "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!"
Just one of those ordinary moments in my life, but it spurred my memory to a song called, Standing on the Promises of God. I'm telling my age by this song, but have you heard it? Not necessarily my favorite song, but I get occasional memories marked by songs from church, and I just think it's so awesome when God takes the ordinary moments of my life to remind me of something extraordinary!
The Bible is slam full of promises! Promises for me and for you; some that have already been fulfilled and others yet to come! I believe some people have tried to count all the promises in the Bible, yet have ended in the discovery that they cannot be numbered! However, I believe the highest count was up to 7000! Isn't that astounding? And most of them are for me!
I got my Bible and other books back from my son before they became the remnants of my hurricane Nate, but not before snapping a picture of course! I then looked up one of my favorite promises and meditated on it for awhile. It didn't take too long before my eyes were filled with tears, and my mouth with praise!
Hebrews 13:5
"....Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
What is one of your favorite promises that you "stand on"?
Meditate upon it and see if your heart doesn't burst with praise!
Linked up with:
The Way I See It Wednesdays
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Word Filled Wednesday
Encouraging Words Wednesday