How did you know your spouse was "the one"?
Here's my story.
We recently moved.
In our 6 years of marriage, this was our 4th move! I'm growing to hate it! However, there is always one thing I enjoy about moving; the day when I find "the box"! Unpacking is such an arduous task, and it seems to take longer and longer with each move no matter how much junk I think I have eliminated! On my last adventure of unpacking and sorting, it took much longer to go through "the box" and...[click here to see more]
I'm so priviledged today to be sharing my story over at Beautiful Mommy Feet!

So thankful for my friend Melissa and the beautiful person she is!
Thanks for letting me share, Melissa!
Be sure to check out her wonderful blog and be sure to link up your story as well!
....and I Knew He was the One
ends tomorrow!
Gosh, I remember that time! So glad y'all worked it all out.