Hey! I'm Bella! I am five years old, and I'm a typical American girl! I have a huge collection of barbie dolls, stuffed animals, and make-up that my mommy won't allow me to wear anywhere! Being five has been the best year ever for me! I've lost my first tooth, grown 4 inches, and started Kindergarten! But even before all of this, something really amazing happened in my life! Riding down the road with my mommy one day, I asked the Lord to be my best friend forever! I felt how much He loved me, and I could not imagine ever living away from Him! So I talked with God that day, and asked Him to forgive me of the times before that I might have hurt Him. I don't want to hurt someone that loves me "to death"! Soon after that, I was baptized because I wanted to tell the whole world about this love in my heart! That was a little scary going under the water, but I wanted to put a big smile on God's face! Mommy wrote about all the special times! (you can see them here) She writes about everything!
My mommy says I've been growing so much this year and that she is very proud of me! I love to do my devotions, pray, talk to my friends about Jesus, and learn more about Jesus at church and home. My devotion this morning was about being a servant! Jesus came to this earth to serve, and I want to do the same thing! Me and Mommy talked about all kinds of ways that I can serve each day, but one that I'm super excited about is going on a mission trip to Honduras on my spring break! Me, Mommy, and some other friends from church are going to work on a facility for missionaries! Although, I'm not quit sure how to use one of these,....
I am still very excited about meeting new friends in a different country! I hope I can tell them just how much Jesus loves them. I also hope I meet some girls who like pretty dresses and high-heeled shoes! I love these things, but I want to give some of my pretty stuff away! I love giving gifts! I've got an entire box in my room of nice things I want to give away, but Mommy says not all of it will fit in my suitcase! So, I have decided to start a money collecting jar instead! When I got back from Disney World last year, I just wanted to go back. My Daddy said it would take a lot of money though, so I started collecting change in a container at my Poppie and Nana's house! I've saved a lot of money, but now I want to start a jar for my mission trip! We've been searching in couches, car floorboards, and pants pockets looking for change. Mommy said it would be much easier to pack money instead of all those stuffed animals! So we will pray about who to give these items to here at home, but in the meantime, I'm looking for some SPARE CHANGE! I just know that there are some little girls in Honduras that I could buy something nice! I can't wait to meet new friends and tell them about my very best friend, Jesus! I only have 2 weeks left! Would you donate your spare change?
Bella Evatt
A Heart Full of Fancy

(literally, pocket change is quite alright with us!)
(literally, pocket change is quite alright with us!)
*Though I (Lindsay) helped with the typing and putting these thoughts in order, these are Bella's honest thoughts about her first overseas mission trip! I am so very proud of her! She really is thinking of others and loves giving gifts! Though she won't be able to help that much in construction of the facilities we will be working on, she has quite a different agenda, as you can tell! She just wants to meet new friends! (Can we say TRUE DISCIPLESHIP?) She is on a mission to serve some of the children of Honduras in any way possible!
Typically adults have one of two responses when we tell them we are allowing Bella to be a part of an overseas mission trip. 1) They can't believe the audacity to allow a little one to go so far from home. It's just too dangerous! OR 2) They are very excited she gets such a big experience at such a young age. Personally, I am between two opinions! I think there is some danger involved, but no higher of a risk than sending her to a public school everyday of her life! Danger is everywhere! We are working on instilling values that will have her turning to God in anytime of need! You can't teach that very well when you try to live so cautiously about everything! And though I too, am excited about this experience at such a young age, we are trying to relay to Bella that these types of experiences can happen everyday. Teaching her to look for these opportunities is our priority! We love our sweet Bella and care so much for her AND HER SOUL! If she desires to serve others through acts of kindness and actions of love, then I will support her in every endeavour!
That's enough for my Mommy blurb! If you desire to give in any fashion, please click on the "Donate" button to give your gift OR if you see Bella regularly, she will have her jar by her side! She will reach people in a way that no one else on the team will be able to to! Thank you all! Please keep us in your prayers for our travels and effectiveness while there!
** All donations are tax deductible. Please let us know if you need a form! :)