The few weeks leading up to Christmas seem to be some of the most busy weeks moms and dads could ever have throughout the year! All of the kids have school parties, Christmas concerts, play practices, toys and cookies needed for exchanges, and usually new clothes for any or all of these events! (you moms know!) Multiply that pressure times eight and consider for a moment how busy we have and continue to be right now! I really don’t know if I’m coming or going most days! If it weren’t for my companion day planners, I would lose my mind for sure! Though tempted to remain in a constant state of stress, I’ve managed to remain calm and try my best to just enjoy the kids as they enjoy the season! Last week however, it hit me! The stomach bug swept through my house hitting someone different everyday of the week! Wesley and I tried our best to manage juggling kids around making sure the “well ones” still made it to the places they were to be and the sick ones had time to recuperate! It was INSANE! Seeing as how it would usually hit people in the late afternoon or evening time, we spent our days cleaning and disinfecting, and our nights holding hair and gagging! LOL I finally broke down on Sunday, when we were quarantined to our house, and had to finally cancel on some things we were supposed to do and places to be. If there is one thing I hate in this life, it’s being a disappointment to others by having to back out on commitments made, but I realized on Sunday, ONCE AGAIN, that I’m just not in control of life and the curve balls that sometimes come my way! At the end of the day, Wesley and I did the best we could do and prayed for life to quickly resume to its normal state, even if it meant back to being busy! Though 4out of 10 have yet to be sick, we are praying it’s over with for now! We all got plenty of rest on Sunday and now we’re back in business! Cookies to bake, gifts to buy, and parties, plays, and concerts to attend! So busy, yet so thankful for restored health! Never too busy to thank the Lord for the abundance of blessings in my life! I look forward to next week though, when the kids are home from school and we can have some time to teach what Christmas is REALLY all about!